After spending a quarter of year traveling around the world, mostly Japan and Australia I find myself changed a lot. Tend to be more relaxed and following what my mind tells me to, instead of fighting the authority trying to claim our losing rights. I need a place where I can focus on developing my interest, freely express my creativity without being interfere by people why simply couldn't think out of box and narrow minded. I used to keep up with the movement of Malaysia's politics, trying to be part of the new generation to counter the corrupted governing party but I have since given up. I realize with the same of amount of energy I would better of after my dream to achieve something I like rather than wasting time on something that might not even happen. The government simply abuse us inhumanly by strictly controlling media platform nationwide (by channeling false news), unexplainable voting working committee (winning vote by bribery) - everything is just dirty. (If you lived in Malaysia you know it)
After living in Japan for 2 months and a month in Australia I just want to migrate. I still love Malaysia but not in the form breathing under the BN, we need democratic fresh air. However with the mistake I made 3 years back I have to pay back for it. I owed Singapore 5 year bond which I wanted to breach it so much. I wanted to ask my parents to break the bond for me but it is hard to overcome my ego, like I have to admit how repentant I am for nodding saying "yes" during the interview, I was just too desperate to leave Malaysia that time. If I were to follow the plan my parents drafted for me I would have been in Melbourne without owning anyone else. Not that I don't like Singapore, it's just a small overpopulated island with limited resources for everyone else. The only thing I could remember doing every weekend is to go out shopping or dine in in different neighbourhood different malls overall pretty much the same routine. There are no nice beach, good hill to hike or thick jungle to trek. I need a place where I can freely express myself, have tons of outdoor activities for me to do and diversified culture society where I could blend in easily. Only a few that make it to the list - Australia, New Zealand, America, Canada.