As we walk through the time tunnel
As it elapses
Everybody everything is modifying
And sometime it reveals things that have been hidden
That should not be disclose
And the true sides of hypocrites
I have not get into relationship for quite sometime
But a saying
"Love is Blind"
seems to be a very uncertain or blur terms to me
As I have never experience it myself
Until it happened recently
I am particularly shocked when I witness how things changed drastically
Especially the personality
She is wise and somehow pretty
*To me, at least Grade 1*
Clumsiness may falter guys from stepping nearer
But it is a uniqueness to me
Impression has dropped deep into precipice
I can say speak a thousands for her
But a blind person can never see
Nor listen
Now I make it the other way round
Have I changed?
Hopefully not
I got no chance to hold even a proper speech with him recently
I used to vomit out all the blues at him
And he is always the bin to collect all my excrement
Or for a better terms
"A Good Listener"
It works perfectly the last sem
Until some kind of malfunctioning lately
And I hope I will not lost it
Even when we walk through south bridge
Moment of silence will follow our pace
We stop talking like before
But deep in heart
I am appreciating you
Whenever I encounter problem
You are the first to appear in mind
In my walks of life
People around walk pass like nobody
Moment pace on like flow of river
Everything is changing
So as our mind and friends
But there are things which we need to keep it fresh
Just like our house
We always keep it in tip-top condition by doing cleaning frequently
At certain point
I have keep your all as my tears
Whenever it rolls down my cheeks
And dries up in the air
I will always breathe in the same air again
And I will never lost track of who you are
And what you are meant for
I love you all
DP1006 and Highians
P/S: Andrew, JJ, Jeremy, Zhong Lin, Cheong Hong
P/S: Fabian, Leon, Esther, Zhann, Weilin, Jimmy