It wasn't like this months ago. When I asked and didn't receive a prompt reply. You hesitated, that was not the usual way you used to. It has entered the blooming 200th day, or even longer than that, with intermittent in between. There is gap which has been better replaced by somebody else. Sometimes it turns me into a fool, we call each other for the sake of calling, it's nothing more than just superficial. You can write as the story continues to develop, nobody knows when the climax comes or when is it going to end or even may it be immortal. I feel it because there is no more private talk between us, not until you run into a mess up situation. I continue to render my trust in a more silent way and I guess I received a cooler response in return. I am not the first one to know, instead I need to catch up from people who linked further than second or even third hand news. I feel isolated, wrapping up with a little of upset.
On the other hand.
She is overseas and I only get to see her every 1 to 2 month, and that makes me a widower every now and then.
Twitter says
[she is your best friend until she got a boy friend].
The vice versa is always true.
Post from Blogger for iPhone
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