Joined a 3 days 2 nights camp
From 3rd to 5th June earlier on this month
Undeniable this is one of the toughest camps I ever had
All about physical
Committees and participants had the belief that
Physical training can promote better endurance
But even I doubted
After the camp, I should say that I did grew some muscles
Both my triceps and biceps
Saying that this camp is going to be a real hardcore one
I wonder why the first aid team is not equipped with
glucose, inhaler and some basic first aid knowledge!
They should equipped with those basic needs
Even none of the campers' declaration forms had stated any illness
Accident is inevitable
I was so pissed when someone was attacked with asthma
They just simply gave him a dosage of inhaler which doesn't belong to him
They even gave him cold water and asked him to calm down
COLD WATER for asthma patient!
My god
Also, I had seen a lot of girls who were almost fainted halfway during the camp
I went to approach first aid team for glucose
They put me down
I remember when I was a first aid member for vigorous activity
We always have at least one bottle of 1.5 liter pre-made glucose solution
To hydrate exhausting people and act as thirst quencher
They are too lucky that no one really went blackout
If not...
They said it was a camp where they will elect Elites
Whom will eventually become the EXCOs
In fact those who had been with the club earlier than us got it
Politics everywhere
A wider a community network is
More politics is involved
That is the reason why I prefer a smaller and cleaner place
Where I find my seat comfortable
And have direct executive power to my people
p/s: Ironically, I miss my classmates
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