Tuesday, August 7, 2012

It Was and It Is

Three years ago when I came here
I was filled with ample of hopes, dreams and loves
Knowing that this a city where I will deeply fall in love with
Just as many many of my cousins, uncles and aunties had chosen to settle here
Three years later
Oh wait, not even three years
Just slightly longer than two years
I experience the total opposite real time
In the campus where I spend most of my time at
Is not my ideal study corner at all
I was back stabbed by senior whom I thought he would take care of us, or even myself
In a team, I thought work would spread out based on equity
In a meritocracy society, I thought nationalism isn't a big deal

Many times, I give my thoughts in an over optimistic way
Without knowing I should actually be more alert
Not everyone will care about you like how you used to
Just be sure that you are free from the hidden smiling dagger
Make sure you'll be fine and doing good
That's the end of story

Despite the hardships
I will still keep my head up
To finish the not taken trails
Maybe one day I will find someone like you
To be my fighting alliance
Or else I will bite on and complete it myself

And where has the human heart disappeared to?

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580th: The little spark is back. I feel love.

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