Friday, August 10, 2012


I was invited by Snowie to go for a short 2D1N getaway in Kukup on Wednesday right after my last common test paper at 10am. Initially I was still thinking because I knew that I gonna sleep late the previous night to burn midnight oil for the paper (in fact I really did, I slept at 4.30am Tuesday night, or perhaps Wednesday early morning). But my mum told me she was going on Tuesday evening so I finally made up my mind to go. I actually asked around my classmates but none of them give a fuck, as in none of them replied me except Jeremy who wouldn't be able to go because of National Day event. Actually I didn't go solo, because I still have Dato and Jacky as my year3's coursemates. 

So how's the trip?


Now let's look at some of the photos we have taken.

The immigration office and commercial center of Kukup

This is how our chalet looks like, it wasn't the ordinary wooden chalet which
we used to have at resort, rather a concrete made and modern style
*I took this photo from google because we didn't take the photo of our chalet

One of the activities - visit to fish farm
The guide trying to pull up the net to shallow the salt water 
so we can see the fishes inside
Bought a number of souvenirs here too

 Our seafood lunch, basically we had prawns and fish every meal
We also had crabs for the second day lunch
They were all included in the package which was god damn cheap

Mum said she doesn't like it when 
everyone just randomly picks up the fish during eating 
and making it looks very "gao wei" (disgusting in Hokkian)
so she actually divided the fish into pieces before we started eating
Just a typical delicate mum
I love her so much

What is summer without ice?
The mango ice was heavenly awesome!
The blended ice was so fine and added with milk
Making it tasted so yummylicious with the milky smooth sensation
The mango slices were very fresh, juicy and sweet too

Just me and Snowie taking a random photo before we left for the ferry

 Group photo at the balcony of our chalet

The good thing about this trip was the built in karaoke and two sets of mahjong in the chalet. Imagine singing K with the view of sea and breathing in offshore breeze. It instantly calms your tensed nerves and put us in a relaxed mode. When you sing too much and feeling tired, just walk outside balcony watching the sea and see how the crabs pops up a hole in the sand. Hungry? Not at all! 6 meals were provided during the 2 days 1 night course. 6 meals included - the first day lunch, high tea, dinner, supper and second day breakfast and lunch. The best part is you will be served seafood for every meal! And yes, they are all inclusive in the package. For just RM90 you will get all of the above, on top of that you will enjoy a guided tour to fish farm. Did I forget to mention that our room is air-conditioned? The only thing I find it not so appealing is no wifi and even if you are on a data plan, the signal is so weak that the speed is throttled to 2G. But you are not coming here to tweet all day long right? So ya, I will definitely go Kukup again!

I watched 康熙来了 after I came back from Kukup. Watching this show has became my daily routine since last year no matter how busy I am unless I really have no time for it let say the night before exam when I need to do last minute sprinting. So I caught the episode previous night which the guest to my surprise was Deserts Chang also known as 张悬 in Chinese. She is a very cool and styled female singer who I like very much. I never expect her to go this programme because she composes music for music, unlike other mainstream singers who made music for commercial purpose and to earn profits. But her friend - 青峰 the main singer of Soda Green, in 
Chinese 苏打绿 encouraged her to be more outward. He gave her the reason that - good music must be shared, which finally persuaded her.

She sang the song by Soda Green - 无与伦比的美丽. The first time when I listened to it I was impressed. Second time it reminisced the life I am having now, the third time when I listened again, I teared.

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