Thursday, November 22, 2012


Sorry for all the waits. I temporarily shut down my blog because I was thinking of making a makeover. But being constraint by my packed schedule, I was not able to commit. So I have decided to open it to public again. The other reason I narrowed down to a handful of invited readers to my blog was because there was a huge jump of readers especially from United States, from tens to hundreds. I do not feel secured as I feel my little bits of life here and there was exposed to the world. This blog was intended for my personal use and meant to link with my close ones. Sorry if you are my constant readers and I have barred you, you are now welcome to read my delicious story of life made up of all unique and scarce spices.

I saw the tweet, and I feel it. Sometimes I feel I adapted to a new environment too quickly till I forgot where my previous roots were. But as environment is shifting swiftly so do I, I have learnt so much from the top management in NYP - 

The only way to survive is to adopt, 
instead of trying hard to make a change.

Somehow I feel my old belief that "sharing is caring" and karma which defines "you will receive good in return of doing good" has outgrown the ethic of this society. I hope this does not representing the entire Singapore (usually what a minority from a group does will represent the trait as a whole). So long so hard and so sad. I have since more direct in speaking my mind and start pruning those tactful unnecessary civilities to make people feel good, some people do not give a fuck and will not even appreciate. I always hear people saying but I was ignorant until I experienced it. 

Although I do not really like what I am receiving in my life now, but for the sake of my parents' expectation I will accept whatsoever that comes to me even not very appealing. My dream was not dead. I am still laying bricks on the way to building it up. Time can heal pain, also it can drag more misery if not properly handle. I also tend to be more appreciative because I am so sick receiving complaints from people who take all the good things for granted. 

If you feel me distant myself from the group, it is simply I feel that I have fallen out of the topic circle. I do not know how to initiate an impromptu conversation, I have to plot one. Referring to what I have experienced from the previous paragraph, I want to be direct and not pretentious. If I do not like it, I just quit. There is no need to hide my feelings and try to act in front of the crowd.

I thank all who have been rendering your morale support for me, be it a simple text from Kuching, a call from classmate or whatsapp from Europe. There is nothing that beats me down, only burning the will stronger. 

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