Thursday, July 14, 2011


I always find the weather good
Day and night repeating
One day I look back
I see a humongous trunk soars high into the horizon
I start wondering when was it there
All those good days I have been enjoyed were because of the tree?
Is the tree a silent defender giving me all the assurance of goodness?
Even the strongest part has a point
A point where no one should ever try to mock
A limit where an extreme is believed to happen
Boiling water over its boiling point can arise pressure giving away high force
Striding big pace around the track pushing you to move beyond walking - run
Giving full strength of your foot on the accelerator will speed up your vehicle
A border
Where it distinguish two different states from the left and the right
If the extreme could yield a desire result
Why not?
If the risk of vice versa shall persist
Stay clear and don't put yourself at stake
Avert any worst case scenario
Faith levitates in air
We both breathe our belief
What is the purpose of bringing down the ideology which we have mutually upheld
I was caught in anger at the first second
But emotion had shattered at the second second
Disappointment at the first moment
But I recalled what has costed me more in a long run
I shouldn't impose pressure when you are actually under one
It is too difficult for me to make even a mumble
for a string of 5 letters
Shall I shed a tear or two
It/They reflect(s) what the deepest part of heart has taken
Reality is sometimes a dream
We woke up and forgot everything

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