Monday, December 15, 2008


Haha...Today suddenly felt very interested to PRODUCT RED stuff, so i had a browse through the www and I found that windows, dell and apple are doing PRODUCT RED. PRODUCT RED is a programme in which helping all the AIDS victims in Africa. If you bought a product which the label PRODUCT RED, part of your purchase will be donated to this programme. I just hope that if I can do something for the African victims. However, PRODUCT RED stuff is usually more expensive than ordinary stuff. Next time if I earned enough money, definitely I will buy one, either a PRODUCT RED XPS notebook from Dell or a PRODUCT RED nano chromatic from Apple, all will do. Haha. But for the timing, I just can download all sets of PRODUCT RED wallpaper, gadgets and other related free stuff and to use it to show my conscience towards this programme. Here, I uploaded some wallpapers. Download and use it to show your heartiest support towards this programme!

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